Registration is still open for 2023-2024. Our 16th season.
Ages 2 1/2-Adult.
Watch your text, Facebook, and Instagram for weather related closures.
If you need info about classes give us a call, if we aren't there feel free to leave a message on the studio phone (479)648-8872, or text the studio cell (888)699-2379, or Facebook or Instagram; please be patient as we are not in the studio daily.
NOTE: Class times are subject to change, please check your email or back with the schedule regularly.
If classes do not fill to half capacity classes will be merged and your class time or day might change.
~~~~Recital week 2024 Tuesday- Friday May 21st-24th
ARCBEST Performing Arts Center~~~~
Studio Phone: 479-648-8872
Address: 4301 Regions Park Dr
Fort Smith, AR